LAAS is preparing to ask our Commission for permission to implement an exciting and innovative life saving program called “New Hope”.
In every community there are dozens, if not hundreds, of wonderful rescue organizations willing to rescue animals at risk of euthanasia. These organizations often rely on donations and grants to continue their great work and they are often staffed by the most dedicated and committed volunteers.
Because there are so many wanting to do so much with so little it is imperative that we all do all we can to maximize our limited resources. New Hope will help us do that!
A New Hope Committee was established by the LAAS Commission. The Committee is representative of the rescue community. Together the committee is developing a draft of its proposal to the Commission for the implementation of the New Hope Program. The LAAS New Hope progam is modeled after the successful New Hope Programs in Arizona and New York City. In those communities this program was, and continues to be, responsible for helping increase live releases dramatically. With the input of the local community, we are hopeful of similar, if not superior, results in LA!
Some of the features of the New Hope Program includes 24/7 accessto all New Hope partners to all LAAS shelters.
Each shelter has a designated New Hope Coordinator trained to provide the very best customer service to our New Hope partners.
Each New Hope partner will receive, upon request, a daily New Hope Alert by e-mail providing the pictures, descriptions, and other details and location of every animal in need of their help.
New Hope partners will be able to contact LAAS by special “hot lines”in each shelter to let the respective New Hope Coordinator know if they can help an animal. The New Hope Cooridator will immediately remove the animal(s) from the New Hope Alert and then work with the partner to place the animal as quickly as possible.
When necessary, and as resourses are available, LAAS may even transport the animal for the New Hope partner having difficulty making these arrangements for themselves. LAAS will take the lead in developing a grant proposal with our New Hope Partners for designated New Hope Vans to faciliate quick and humane transfer of animals.
As the New Hope Partnership comes together it is our hope we will be able to collaborate on many life saving grant proposals.
Every New Hope partner, upon request, will recieve a sophisticated, yet simple to use software package to help them manage the animals in their care. This software was developed by HLP Chameleon and is being generously donated to our New Hope partners. This software will provide the smallest to the largest rescue groups with the same level of animal management functionality used by over 350 of the largest shelters in the United States! I am deeply grateful for HLP’s continued and generous commitment to help shelters achieve no-kill.
Many more benefits are being discussed by the Committee in the hope that the LA New Hope Program will be as functional and as supportive as possible to our partners helping save lives. A fee schedule has not been determined, but New Hope Partners are not expected to pay any more than they currently do.
The purpose of the New Hope program is to eliminate all obstacles that prevent the rapid evacuation of the animals most at risk of euthanasia.
Of course, New Hope partners are not restricted to saving animals only from the New Hope Alert, but it is our hope they will focus at least some of their attention and resources to these animals first. These will be real rescues in the truest sense of the word!
Please stay tuned as this program is being developed. All our current partners will be notified when the program has been approved and these New Hope life saving tools are made available.
In closing I want to comment on a recent change in LAAS’ organizational structure. The most basic premise of management theory is to break large jobs down into managable junks. To help expedite the implementation of programs like New Hope, not to mention several other programs we are very excited about, I have created a new department called Shelter Operations. I have selected Nancy Moriarty to serve as our new Director of Shelter Operations. Please help me in thanking Nancy for taking on this responsibility by supporting her efforts to improve and enhance our shelter processes and protocols.
Nancy is now in charge of all LAAS shelters. David Dilberto will continue to manage Field Opeations, and Dr. Rainey is overseeing the Medical Program. This division of labor will help enhance LAAS’ ability to better respond to the concerns, suggestions, and offers to help from our community.